By Martin Rud

designing brands
through digital design, branded content, and visual communication
"Martin consistently exceeded our expectations delivering high quality visuals striking the right look and feel for our audience."
Dorte Schultz MagillCommunications DirectorSaxo Bank
"Martin has delivered high quality and effect through strong brand and commercial understanding with fast translations of ideas to execution."
Claus NielsenChief Commercial & Digital Officer,Fitness World Group
"Martin is an absolute pleasure to work with and consistently delivers high quality creative work. He has a good commercial understanding, challenges the status quo, and has a great eye for premiumness"
Sara HansenHead of Brand Management and ActivationEPOS Audio
"Martin har skabt et design koncept der er 100% i tråd med hvordan jeg ser KLASSIK. Han har hurtigt fanget vores brand og skabt et klassisk, stilfuldt look med et moderne tvist."
Thomas SchlosserCEO & Owner.Klassik Moderne Møbelkunst A/S
Martin consistently exceeded our expectations delivering high quality visuals striking the right look and feel for our audience.
Dorte Schultz MagillCommunications Director, Saxo Bank
Once again, Martin has delivered a great and functional design that takes our brand to new heights building on an updated positioning strategy.
Kirstine Møller Pedersen,CMO at Penneo
Martin has delivered high quality and effect through strong brand and commercial understanding with fast translations of ideas to execution.
Claus NielsenChief Commercial & Digital OfficerFitness World Group
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